Project Lokun 16

Project Lokun is a Bi-annual Humanitarian Project headed by NUS medical students. This year, a team of students and doctors visit Cambodia to provide medical relief. Based on the Centre of Research of Agricultural Practices Social Services Centre (CROAP) in Pursat province, Project Lokun aims to engage villagers to the nation’s healthcare system, as well as to improve their health and living conditions. (Source: )

Cooperating with Project Lokun, University of Puthisastra has sent translators who were UP Medical students and a doctor from 9 to 18 December to participate in the Project. The project was divided into three main parts:

1) House To House: the teams walked from one villagers’ house to another to make some medical checkup and promote the free medical service at clinic.

2) Visiting Clinics: Villagers came to the clinics and consulted with the Doctors about their health​and got treatment with free medicine.

3) Health and Environment Village Conference: they visited local primary school and taught students how to take care of their health.

Our students completed the project happily despite the tiredness because they had learnt a lot from the project, and had a great time with Lokun team. They said they would be happy to join the next upcoming project.