UP launches Curriculum Review Working Group

Curriculum is a set of planned tasks, learning experiences and behaviors achieve predetermined goals in form of behavioral change, academic achievements and learning outcomes within a particular time.

It is important to update and amend the curricula and make required improvements as the world changes so rapidly – for example medical knowledge doubles every year.

Curricula review provides teachers, students, parents and accreditation bodies with a blue print of how students will achieve success in learning outcomes. On other words, curricula review provides a roadmap allowing comprehensive planning in learning and teaching activities responsive to modern practices and provide best outcomes for students in a modern world.

The issue of curriculum development is very challenging but UP has created CURRICULUM WORKING GROUP to review and develop the curriculum and new program across all Faculties.

For example, this working group will review pharmacy program curricula which dates from 2007 to bring it upto date ready for 2021 and beyond. Working groups will meet every week from now on to review the current curriculum and make improvements for the beginning of next school year. The new curricular will produce highest quality graduates with knowledge, skills and good attitudes to serve the Cambodian community.