UP recognized as official pharmacy CPD provider

University of Puthisastra (UP) is officially recognized as one of CPD providers for pharmacists in Cambodia through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the University of Puthisastra and the Pharmacy Council of Cambodia. This allows UP to provide training and training series for Cambodians pharmacists.

It will help pharmacists to maintain appropriate experience in the pharmacy practice, keeping up-to-date and professional competency and undertaking appropriate development and training opportunities that are relevant to the pharmacy practice. Beside this, the training will build their confidence and credibility, allows pharmacists to showcase their achievements and equips them with tools to cope positively with change. In January and February 2021, UP provided several training series for Cambodian pharmacist from many fields both in public and private sectors.

They have covered topics such as Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP), Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and Good Storage Practice (GSP). In March, UP keep provide the training focused on inventory control for drugs and medical supplies.

Moreover, UP still provide both online and on campus trainings so that the participants will have choice based on their preferences and availability. Up to today, UP Pharmacy is the first leading university of the country in providing CPD for the pharmacists.