UP pharmacy students returned from the two-week program of IPSS (International Pharmacy Summer School) in Indonesia with a lot of exciting stories to tell about their time learning about Indonesian Herbal Medicines.

Students also learned a lot about Indonesian culture such as dancing, cooking and painting and wowed at themselves when they wore the Indonesian costume. For all of them, it was the first time to have a chance to take a deeper look into art such as batik painting. Students said that the organizers were so warm, caring, and sweet it even felt like home. In Yogyakarta, many houses are religiously designed with the particular stupa decoration in front of each house making students feel that they were living in the historical period. One of their favorite parts during their program is the sightseeing. They were thrilled to see Borobudur which is the world heritage temple, the Museum Merapi (volcani history), Kraton (old palace), and Istana Negara Yogyakarata (presidential residence).

Surprisingly, during their farewell party, all of them got the rewards back home.
1. Eang Sivmey received the most friendly reward
2. Va Sereynich received the most cheerful reward
3. Eng Kimheak received the most calm reward
4. Nuon Vorleak received the most humble reward
5. Chhe Vannara received the most active reward

The students said loved this wonderful program and they would highly recommend it to their juniors.