Dr Chea Sin has started the South East Asia International Dean’s Course for 2020/2021 with other Southeast Asia Deans via Zoom

Dr Chea Sin won a DAAD scholarship to join the International Dean’s Course, Southeast Asia 2020/2021. This course was jointly organised by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and the Centre for Higher Education (CHE).

This intensive training course is part of the DIES programme (Dialogue on Innovative Higher Education Strategies) which is coordinated by DAAD and HRK and which aims to strengthen higher education management structures in developing countries. It was originally aimed to be held in three countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, and Germany, but due to COVID-19, it is now being held online via Zoom for the first and second parts, while the third part will be be held in Germany in 2021.

From June 13th to June 25th,Dr. Sin will join the first part of the course with 31 Deans from ten countries across Southeast Asia. This course will provide him with opportunities to further develop his knowledge and skills in higher education management and leadership.