It is apparently crazy to dream amazing stories that will happen as we close our eyes and drift to sleep, yet those dreams can help shape our thoughts and daily actions. As a scholarship chaser, Darasour frequently had dreams of seeing the words SCHOLARSHIP AWARD WINNERS in her email inbox on her phone!
We are delighted to report that her dream has come true. She has won a Sharifah Sofia Albukhary Scholarship Award and has been awarded a place at the University of York in England.
She has been asked by many people how much work she put into her scholarship application. “One word might not be enough to describe but it was extremely intense. So it’s better to start doing research on scholarship, specifically focusing on their objectives (Region, Merit, Academic or financial base etc). Look up the university website first to get ideas of who is qualified to get the offer from them.” said Darasour.
She will put the process of getting a scholarship from University of York into two categories. Initially, applying for admission through the United Kingdom’s University and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) and getting an offer from the universities. She suggests that we should have a consultation with a school counselor to consider if the course that we intend to apply is right for us. Only then, start a personal statement and request a reference letter from your school.
After getting an offer from the university, we are eligible to apply for a scholarship. Following that, Darasour started her scholarship application straightaway. Despite the fact that she got offers from three universities, of of which have full fee scholarships, she applied her scholarship only to the University of York, as she likes their teaching and research facilities which are very impressive, so she could get exposed to new technology and science, as well as the rich cultural environment of the university and York itself, a very historic city in England. She also asked some of her friends and lecturers to read her personal statement, give feedback and correct any errors.

Indeed, running can be a really tough sport for your oral health, said Daiya Kuo, a 3rd Year Dentistry student from the University of Puthisastra.
The story began in 2017 when I volunteered to help organize the Sihanoukville International 1/2 Marathon. It was the very first time for me to get
experience with this kind of event. I was just very keen on looking at runners’ teeth every single time they passed by to grab water, Coke, Pepsi, nuts or chocolate. Many runners are mouth-breathers, a habit that can leave them a bit dried out. The gels, chews, and sugary drinks that fuel their run also feed bacteria that occur naturally in the mouth. Sticky chews and dense protein bars can damage crowns and fillings. Those faster runners often clench their jaws or grind their teeth during races. I was thinking of becoming a runner as well and see how I’d feel with my dental health. While most people say
running keeps you strong physically and mentally, nobody talks about dental care! One year later, I ran my first 5km race at the 5th Bokor Marathon Charity Run on Bokor Hill in Kampot. A great feeling indeed.
The story began in 2017 when I volunteered to help organize the Sihanoukville International 1/2 Marathon. It was the very first time for me to get experience with this kind of event. I was just very keen on looking at runners’ teeth every single time they passed by to grab water, Coke, Pepsi, nuts or chocolate. Many runners are mouth-breathers, a habit that can leave them a bit dried out. The gels, chews, and sugary drinks that fuel their run also feed bacteria that occur naturally in the mouth. Sticky chews and dense protein bars can damage crowns and fillings. Those faster runners often clench their jaws or grind their teeth during races. I was thinking of becoming a runner as well and see how I’d feel with my dental health. While most people say running keeps you strong physically and mentally, nobody talks about dental care! One year later, I ran my first 5km race at the 5th Bokor Marathon Charity Run on Bokor Hill in Kampot. A great feeling indeed.At that time I realized that running was fun and I would like to extend my knowledge in dental care for runners by doing extra research in related topics. In 2019, my university created a running club! I was so happy to join the club, getting to know other students and lecturers from different faculties. I have to mention my amazing English teachers Leah Wood and Jake Pedersen who always ran with us every Sunday at 5pm at the Olympic Stadium during my early days of running. The first day of running was very hard for me and after 100 meters I wanted to give up. But, both teachers told me that it would get better day by day. With their encouragement, I managed to run non-stop, first for 5km and then 10km. Soon I got used to running and I always felt excited to join races. I experienced that it’d always help me to relax and reduce the stress after school.
Half a year later after the club was established I happened to meet a lecturer from the Pharmacy faculty, Eng Muyngim, who organized the 5k/10k time-trials at the Sokha Hotel loop in Phnom Penh. There were around 200 students from UP joining that race. Surprisingly, I learned that she is also a national athlete, a pharmacist with a Masters Degree in Sports Science. Quite cool! She inspired me and my friends more than she had believed. One of her stories that came to my mind all the time was when she went to Malaysia last April, initially to join the 10th Asian Medical Education Association Symposium along with other lecturers including Jake and my Dean of Dentistry, Dr. Callum. It happened that 3 hours prior to the start of the symposium, Muyngim began her 6km race organized by Sunway University. She missed the first part of the symposium, but arrived straight at the conference hall in her business dress with a huge gift basket she won from the race. Gosh, it was a funny story yet so inspiring! With my friends Sreypoun, Muyseang and Vira, we are now leading the UP Running Club and spreading the running culture and telling all the great stories at our university!