Dr. SOEURN Visal
Foundation is called Foundation Year because it does just that. It provides a very strong Foundation for future learning – making sure that students “learn how to learn” as well as provide them with foundation sciences they need for their studies and future careers. To make UP students the Leaders of Tomorrow. UPs revisions which have been approved by MOEYS give much more emphasis to 21st Century skills of teamwork, critical thinking and research – which are so critical for success.
Foundation Year also includes 8hrs per week of English tuition – which is so critically important for todays health and IT professionals. English is the international language of success and UP provides this FREE OF CHARGE – no need to pay extra to study elsewhere. UP continues to excel in research which cultivates students to deepen their understanding of their career, and to critically evaluate the many changes of modern life.
Strengthening students’ learning ability and changing teaching methods through modern Teaching and Learning for the 21st Century remains a central part of the university’s core strategy.