Soft-Skill Training by Zoom at UP

Career success is related to two broad categories of skills (hard and soft). During the job application and interview, employers are carefully looking for potential candidates with a set of both hard and soft skills. Hard skills are technical abilities related to occupation such as engineering, marketing, accounting, pharmacy, finance etc and is easy to quantify and typically learnt from the classrooms, from books or on the jobs. Whereas soft skills are how you get on with yourself and other people and in comparison, are hard to quantify. They are less tangible and are much easily transferable to many occupations.

Soft skills include problem solving, strategic thinking, collaborating, communication, leadership, teamwork etc. Only the people who build a balance set of hard and soft skills reach the highest levels of performance. Most of current educational curriculum or training program in health sciences have traditionally emphasized hard skills. Seeing this important skill, UP has collaborated with Friends International to design a soft skill training by using online platform (Zoom).

This online training will specify on 7 topics:

1.Personal development – values, strengths, and motivation
2.Time management.
3.Stress management.
5.Being part of a team.
6.Money management.
7.CV and interview skills

This online training requires 10 hours of completion. 4 groups of 10 students will be selected consecutively through online registration. The first group will start from May 04, 2020. After completion of the training, students will be provided with the certificate of participation.

This training will be one of extra training which UP have supported the students to achieve their academic and professional careers. We hope that these important skills will enable UP students to fly high in their future career and continue to satisfy employers.