Solidify passion for opening pharmacy by PharmaCareer Club

Good grade does not mean everything. Good grade is enough to get students in the top school, university, and enough to give students a good job. However, good grade alone does not make people’s life a set of great success. In educational field, academic success is very important for students, schools, universities and communities. Anyway, education will be incomplete without extracurricular activities, study clubs in particular. One of the study clubs in the Faculty of Pharmacy called PharmaCareer Club coordinated by Mr. Chanseiha NY aims to orient pharmacy students to choose the right career pathway based on their competencies and potentials and provide pharmacy students with successful experiences shared by professionals in the field of pharmacy.

With 50 participants, PharmaCareer Club had invited Mr. Sitha KIM, owner of Unicare pharmacy, which currently has 3 branches located in Phnom Penh city and Ratanakiri province to be special speaker during this week. Mr. Sitha KIM completed his Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) from Khon Kaen University, Thailand. He is also a part-time lecturer in the area of pharmaceutical technology in UP Faculty of Pharmacy. Through google meet, the whole session was moderated by Ms. Marina HUL and stressing on how to build academic capacity for students who are passionate to open pharmacy in the future. Our speaker had explicitly shared the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for area of community pharmacy which pharmacist will need to startup pharmacy successfully.

Besides talking on hard and soft skills, he had provided his personal key of success regarding the human resource management, financial management, purchasing and dispensing. This sharing would solidify the passion of pharmacy students particularly who are planning to invest their career in pharmacy. Moreover, it served as learning platform to articulate the connection among students, university and community during the COVID-19 season.