Medical Genetics Online Course Delivery At Up By Professor Dominique Germain

Professor Dominique Germain, Chairman of the Division of Medical Genetics at the University of Versailles in St. Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ), France since 2007, Professor (elected) at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, and Adjunct Professor of Medicine at UP, has delivered an online Course of Medical Genetics to Year 6 medical students from the 20th to the 22nd July 2020.

Medical genetics is arguably the future of healthcare, being increasingly able to predict, prevent and diagnose disease. As well as providing targeted, personalized drug therapies that are MUCH more effective, the rise of personalised, pharmacogenomics is revolutionizing many areas of medicine.

Professor Germain is an internationally recognized expert in Fabry Disease and in other rare diseases (such as Gaucher and Ehlers-Danlos), and she has co-authored 150 publications in prestigious international journals and nine book chapters, and has an impressive h-index of 41 (Scopus) and 51 (Google Scholar).

UP recognizes the need to expose students to the world’s Best Practice so graduates can work all over the world. Therefore, UP’s Faculty of Medicine (and other Faculties) are increasingly involving internationally recognized clinicians and scientists to provide state-of-the-art teaching to our students.