Dr Pisal attends OSAP course

Recently Dr Khom Pisal, the Business Development Manager for Dentistry attended (online) the 2021 OSAP annual “Boot Camp”. OSAP was founded in 1984, and is the “Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention”. It is the leading provider of infection prevention and control education, training, and credentialing in the USA.

OSAP advocates for the safe and infection-free delivery of oral healthcare. For the first time this year the meeting was held online and this allowed UP to send Dr Pisal, the first Cambodian to ever attend an OSAP meeting.

The course was held over 4 days, and because it was conducted in the US, Dr Pisal had to stay up from 11pm until 5am each night to attend the lectures. More than 400 people (mostly from the US) attended the bootcamp, with Dr Pisal being the only participant from Cambodia. Cutting edge information was shared by a team of leading experts in the field, and the latest guidelines related to Covid-19 were shared. Following the course Dr Pisal said: “I have gained more knowledge of disease transmission and the principles of infection prevention and control in a variety of oral healthcare settings. It is crucial for me and my team to apply the latest infection control regulations, guidelines, standards, and best practices for the safe care of the dental staff, patients, and our students here at UP. Furthermore, the quality assurance measures that were described at the bootcamp, such as how to carry out direct observation in the clinic and how to give feedback, will be useful tools which can be applied in our UP dental clinic”.

Thanks Dr Pisal for attending this important course, and for helping the UP Dental Clinic to become the best clinic in Cambodia for demonstrating good cross infection control.