UP Learning and Teaching Workshop 2019

The University of Puthisastra continues to work hard to provide best practice Learning and Teaching for our students, and we are very fortunate to have some outstanding lecturers and researchers as part of our academic team. On 18 and 19 October 2019, more than 140 of UP’s lecturers and researchers joined our intensive Learning and Teaching Workshop to continue the development of best practice Learning and Teaching experiences.

UP has devoted considerable resources to improving learning quality. We empower our lecturers to be knowledgeable, skilled and innovative facilitators of life-long learning. As expert practitioners, our academic team bring enthusiasm for their discipline area to share with our students to empower them to become the best career professionals and community members. Together, our academic team leads and inspires UP students with knowledge and skills to be innovative, address challenges, take risks and seize opportunities when they graduate. Together, we work to develop outstanding graduates for Cambodia in Health Sciences (Dentistry, Medical Laboratory, Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, and Pharmacy) and ICT.

At the Workshop, our academic team further developed skills and practical experience in:

  • The Philosophy and Psychology of Learning, (and why it is important to learning and teaching)
  • Students’ different learning styles, (and how this should inform teaching practice)
  • The foundational links between Program Outcomes, Course Learning Outcomes, Assessment Plans, and Lesson Plans (and why they matter)
  • Developing Assessment Plans that reflect Course Learning Outcomes and offer the best opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning achievement
  • Building Great Lesson Plans (supporting Program Outcomes and Course Learning Outcomes)
  • Using UPOP – UP’s Moodle Online Learning Platform to support better, more efficient learning and teaching experiences for our students

The Workshop was very interactive, supportive and practical. Participants joined in some thought-provoking conversations, discussed challenging education theories, concepts and practice, and engaged in activities that demonstrated the importance of “connecting” all aspects of Learning and Teaching for our students.

Our academic team practiced implementing Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning in the development of our courses and assessment tasks, adapting to students’ different learning styles, and incorporating UP’s Vision and Values into great learning experiences.

It was very exciting to see UP’s academic lecturers and researchers working together, challenging and supporting each other, to continue the improvements in quality learning and teaching in Cambodia, at UP.

We would like to hear from you ! send your comments, news, testimonies to upvoice@puthisastra.edu.kh