UP Celebrates 2023 Nightingale Ceremony

The 31st January 2023 was a memorable day for students and staff from the faculty of Nursing & Midwifery. The Nightingale Ceremony is celebrated for the memorial of Mrs. Florence Nightingale, who is considered the founder of modern nursing. The Nightingale Ceremony and Pledge are held for welcoming students into their profession and commit themselves to always maintaining high ethical standards of care for their patients.

The lighting ceremony involved the Head of Faculty, and staff members lighting the candles. Their flame is passed on to the new students through a candle ceremony – a symbol of passing on knowledge to the next generation. Students then together expressed their commitment to their profession by reciting the Nightingale Pledge and singing “We are the world”.That’s such an honored great event that our MoU partners Sunrise Japan Hospital Phnom Penh, MUCH, Center of hope friendship clinic, National Pediatric Hospital and nursing professions joined this ceremony.