International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife. Worldwide, nurses and midwives play a vital role in providing health services, and they can often be the first and only point of health care in their communities. Nurses and midwives are the largest workforce globally and provide support across the life course for individuals, families and communities and provide invaluable leadership for health protection and preventative healthcare. Nurses and midwives are essential to the achievement for universal health coverage. Nurses and midwives constitute more than 50% of the health workforce in many countries, and also more than 50% of the shortfall in the global health workforce to 2030. Strengthening nursing will have the additional benefits of promoting gender equity (SDG5), contributing to economic development (SDG8) and supporting other Sustainable Development Goals.

UP is proud to support the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery and nurses and midwives throughout Cambodia and will be contributing to the NursingNow! Campaign, a three-year effort (2018-2020) to improve health globally by raising the status of nursing and contributing to country-level dissemination and policy dialogue around the State of the World’s Nursing report.