The Faculty of Medicine Provides Free Screening for Liver Fibrosis at UP

Liver fibrosis is a liver condition that may progress to liver cirrhosis, a disease that can lead to very serious complications and even to death. The Faculty of Medicine at UP is conducting a Ministry of Health-approved study utilizing FibroScan®, a special ultrasound-like machine, which can measure the presence and extent of fibrosis of the liver.

The study started on 3rd March and involves people who are not aware of, and have never been diagnosed with any liver disease. The screening is voluntary and free and involves adult people (over 18 years old). The times are Tuesday (8:30am-12:00pm), Thursday (8:30am-12:00pm & 2:00pm-5:00pm) and Friday (8:30am-12:00pm). The screening is done in room L11, first floor, Building L (above the Dental clinic), Street 180 entry of UP Campus. Participants will receive information about the results of their exam immediately after its completion. The exam is conducted by a specialist doctor certified in the procedure, does not cause any harm or pain and lasts 10-15 minutes. We plan to study at least 500 persons; so, take advantage of this opportunity, come and get screened – its free and could save your life!