Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery

OverviewResearch Team
The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Puthisastra is committed to evidenced based practice in teaching and conducting research which will have a regional, national and international impact, and contribute to a fast-growing world of science and technology. It has a focus on research activities that will increase the quality of nursing and midwifery education in Cambodia. All staff are involved in research activities and Bachelor students in their final year carry out a research project.

Andrea Burke Ryan, RN, Masters Health Science (Nursing), DipPH, PGCert Adult Teaching & Learning, PGCert Cardiology
Kem Sokunthea, RN, Master of Science in Nursing
Pay Soklim, RN, BSN, Masters in Global Health & Development
Thann Sreymom, RN, Masters in Epidemiology
Chhouk Borey, RN, BSN, BE
Im Saron, RN, ADN
Cheng Chanmara, RM, BSM
Sinn Sreyrany, BE, MPH

Publications/Conference Presentations

Pickles, K., Ivanusic, J., Xiao, J., Durward, C., Ryan, A., & Hayes, J., (2018). Peer Tutoring for Anatomy Workshops in Cambodia. Anatomical Sciences Education, 12(1). Available from: https://doi:10.1002/ase.1804.

Thann, S., (Nov 2017) Factors contributing to domestic violence against women in Cambodia. Presented at 9th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PUBLIC HEALTH Among Greater Mekong Sub-Regional Countries, Adopting Healthy Lifestyle: Combating NCDs. Yangon: Myanmar

Ryan, A. B., (Dec 2017). The Challenge of Women in the 21st Century. Presented at Women and Professional Leadership Conference, Women’s Association, Phnom Penh: Cambodia.

Ryan, A, B., (Nov 2017) The Nursing Process. Presented at 2nd Annual Nursing Conference. “Empowering Nurses and Nursing Care in Cambodia through Collaboration and Education”. CMMC Jeremiah Hope. Phnom Penh: Cambodia.

Pay, S., (Dec 2017) Clinical Teaching Process for Nursing Students. 7th National Biennial Nursing and Midwifery Conference. MOH: Cambodia.